Third Day, Hyperstatic Union, Leeland
Greensboro, NC -- November 3, 2006
Concert Clips
Hyperstatic Union
Goin' On Up - the intro
Goin' On Up - the song



Praying For Sunny Days
Sound of Melodies
Yes You Have



How Great Thou Art
Tears of the Saints
Didn't recognize this one, sorry. :)
Third Day



Knight Rider intro, into I Got a Feelin’
Took My Place
Keep On Shinin’



Keep On Shinin’ (short clip - mirror ball)
I Can Feel It - Mac's intro
I Can Feel It



Consuming Fire 1
Consuming Fire 2
Consuming Fire 3 - Brad's Solo



Show Me Your Glory - Mac's Intro
Show Me Your Glory - the song
Thief w/Scotty Intro



Sing A Song
To quote from Mark's blog...
Mac's "...first guitar solo and last guitar solo..." LOL



Take My Life
Mountain of God
Blessed Assurance (acoustic)



Blessed Assurance (electric)
You Are So Good to Me



Tossing out a bunch o' picks during Come On Back To Me.
I Believe
Cry Out To Jesus



God of Wonders
Come Together

(L) Brad's "Creed" guitar solo, and (R) short farewell