Glory Revealed Tour
Woodbridge, Virginia

April 10, 2007
Photos and Video Clips

Photos have the thin borders;
clips have the thicker borders and the file size listed.
You should be able to either play the clips from here, or
"right click, save as" them. Your choice. :)

 Download RealPlayer if the audio is not playing above.

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*NEWLY ADDED 7/26/07*
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for the streaming flash consolidated version of the videos

Mac and David's Intro // "I'll Fly Away" Medley



I'll Fly Away Medley: 6.42MB

"God of Wonders": 10.2MB



"He Will Rejoice": Trevor Morgan and Mac
6.40MB                                                                7.14MB



"Waters Gone By": Shawn Lewis



"Restore To Me": Mac




"Yearn", a little funnin' w/the Backstreet Boy, and "We Love You Jesus"
 - Shane and Shane

                                                                    "Yearn": 14.2MB


                                                                      "We Love You Jesus": 8.47MB

"We Love You Jesus" clip 2: 6.20MB                                                                   


"Show Me Your Glory" w/Mac




Brian doing his "Mac called me up on the phone and said..." impression. :D



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