Glory Revealed Tour
Woodbridge, Virginia

April 10, 2007
Photos and Video Clips

Photos have the thin borders;
clips have the thicker borders and the file size listed.
You should be able to either play the clips from here, or
"right click, save as" them. Your choice. :)

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*NEWLY ADDED 7/26/07*
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for the streaming flash consolidated version of the videos

Brian Littrell (with some guest vocals from Mac and Shawn):
"You Alone", "Welcome Home", "Over My Head",
plus a little "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" thrown in for good measure. :D

"You Alone": 11MB                                                                 



6.15MB        -          "Welcome Home"          -        5.59MB

                                                                    (Brian who? I was watching MAC! ;-D)

                                                                   That squirrel's gone BERSERK!: 5.01MB

"Over My Head": 7.39MB                                                                      

"Over My Head" clip 2: 7.41MB                                                                    

Candi Pearson-Shelton: "Glory Revealed"
(These are MY two favorite clips of the night!)

8.63MB                                                             6.78MB




David Nasser's talk, then intermission...


"Come Worship The King" - all artists


Tim Neufeld: "Son of God", "Who Is Like You"

13.2MB         -          "Son of God"          -         8.01MB


8.63MB        -        "Who Is Like You"        -        9.50MB


                                                                  "Who Is Like You" clip 3: 4.39MB


"By His Wounds" - all artists





And as the finale:
"My God Is Mighty to Save", "To The Only God", & the Doxology
(All Artists)

                                                                    "My God Is Mighty to Save": 3.85MB


                                                                         "My God Is Mighty to Save" clip 2: 9.70MB

"To The Only God": 9.79MB




Doxology: 5.95MB                                                                


And just some parting shots of the Hylton Memorial Chapel before I left...



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