Winter Jam 2007Greensboro, NC -- February 17, 2007A mix of pictures and QT clips that I shot with my
Nikon that night. Please do not repost pics or clips without permission. ThankYouThankYou! :) FLIGHT FROM EGYPT || BRITT NICOLE || SANCTUS REAL || NEWSONG HAWK NELSON I saw Hawk Nelson for the first time at
Kingsfest last summer at Kings Dominion, and was pretty impressed.
Not every band out there can pull off a kazoo solo. ;-) So when I
saw them on the bill for Winter Jam, I thought "KEWL!" But I hadn't
realized how shrieky a good chunk of their fanbase is. Guess I
should have figured that out when at Kingsfest, when Jason jumped
off the stage, I nearly got run over by the girls suddenly rushing
the front rows. LOL. Anyway, finally getting to the section of
the evening that started the three bands that I was actually there
to see: HN, SCC, and JC. So there are MANY more photos and clips
than there have been up to this point, I think. I know I completely
blew the camera battery by the time Jeremy Camp took the stage.
Fortunately, I always keep a spare on hand. :) And anyone happen to catch what Jason said about
the Carolina Hurricanes?
STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMANI saw SCC for the first time at Roanoke Rapids (see my pics and clips) last August, when Third Day opened for him (imagine my surprise, when at the time I ordered the tickets for that show, 3D was the only, and presumably, primary act on the ticket, but when the tickets finally came in, SCC had top billing and Third Day was opening). Still a great night, if you could overlook the heat. Ugh. Including a couple of shots and clips of SCC's kids' band, "The Following". They sounded pretty good!